Quantum Networking

spin control inside the Beltway                                    

Quraishi Group: Quantum networking with trapped ions

Our research focuses on investigating quantum entanglement with trapped ions to enable applications such as large-scale data storage, quantum enhanced sensing and quantum networks. Trapped ions are capable of generating, storing and processing quantum information. We use trapped ions as the elemental building block, focusing on hybrid ion-neutral atom quantum systems and exploring entanglement as a resource for information processing. Our work includes quantum frequency conversion to extend the operating range of trapped ion quantum memories. Using frequency conversion we are also able to bridge disparate quantum systems together. Please see our Research page for more information on our current projects.

PhD Opportunities: We are currently looking for postdocs and students to join our team! Please contact Dr. Quraishi (quraishi@umd.edu) for more information. 

Latest news: Welcome to Brennan Romanoff, the latest member of our group, joining as a first-year graduate research assistant, August 2023.

Congratulations to our own Dr. John Hannegan for completing his doctoral thesis,  August 2022!

Best wishes to Dr. James Siverns who completed successful years in the group as a postdoc then Assistant Research faculty, as he heads to IonQ!